School Development Plan
What are we aiming to improve in our school this year?
Every year, staff and governors identify aspects of our school that we want to develop, improve or instigate.
We select each year’s priorities by looking at:
- School data about pupil progress and attainment
- Keeping an eye on changes in education nationally
- Giving a critical eye to what we’re already doing
- Listening to the comments of pupils and parents
- Our strategic plan for the school
Based on all of this, these are our priorities for the 2022/23 academic year:
Priority 1
Raising Standards and Attainment through SEND provision. We are committed to supporting all of our pupils be the best they can be. This year, we are reviewing and improving how we support SEND pupils through early identification, training for teachers and the interventions we put in place.
Priority 2
Raising Standards and Attainment through writing, including spelling. The children will have opportunities to regularly plan, draft, edit and publish their writing. Teachers will have training in spelling strategies and teach spelling every day.
Priority 3
Raising standards and attainment through Oracy. We will be focusing on giving the children lots of opportunities to talk about their learning and improve their communication skills and developing a progression of skills for speaking & listening.
Priority 4
Raising standards and attainment through challenge of most able pupils. We will continue to find ways to challenge and stretch our most able pupils at school in all areas of their learning
Priority 5
The Governing Body will be leading on recruitment and retention of school governors.