Meet our Governors
Welcome to the Public Governors' Page
Crudwell Church of England Primary School’s Governing Body oversees and supports the school to ensure it delivers a good quality education for all its children. Together with Mr John, the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day to day management of the school, school governors help the school to set high aims when planning for the future and high targets for school improvement.
The Governing Body meets as a full board six times a year and also in committees which are currently Curriculum and Standards, Staffing, and Resources. Some governors have additional specific responsibilities such as Safeguarding and SEND. Individual governors are also linked to each subject area of the curriculum and also monitor each of the various strands of the annual School Development Plan (SDP). The SDP is reviewed and set for each academic year by the school leadership team and the Governing Body.
For further information about the work of the governing body and its committees please see our Scheme of Delegation.
Governor Photos and Information
Mark Hills, Chair & Co-opted Governor
Serves on the Curriculum and Standards, Staffing, and Resources Committees.
Whistleblowing Governor.
I moved to the Malmesbury area in 2004 and have been a governor at the school since 2017. I was elected Chair of Governors in 2022. Both of my children (now at secondary school) went to the school. I became a governor because I wanted to give something back to the school that my children were attending.
I am an actuary and work for one of the UK’s largest insurance companies. My finance and commercial experience along with my analytical and other business skills allow me to contribute to the school’s continued development and success, particularly in matters relating to leadership, strategy and finance.
Tim Kaner, Vice-Chair & Co-opted Governor
Serves on the Curriculum and Standards Committee and heads up the Resources Committee.
I have lived in Crudwell since 2016 and became a governor in 2020. I was elected Vice-Chair of Governors in 2023. I am an executive search and marketing consultant with a specialisation in higher education and extensive prior experience in the commercial sector. I was previously a member of the Executive Board at one of the UK's leading universities.
I am a firm believer in the value of the power of education to transform lives and I hope I can bring a range of useful skills and relevant experience to the school and its governing body.
Ian Churchill, Local Authority Governor
Serves on the Resources Committee.
Safeguarding Governor; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Governor.
I became a governor at the school not long after moving to the village – in the last millennium. All three of my children benefited from a wonderful and broad education at the school and I continue to be a governor because I think an excellent primary education is the greatest thing a community can give to its children and I wish to play my part in achieving that.
Although I am officially the Local Authority Governor, we are very fortunate at Crudwell that there is no political involvement in the school; I took the role as it was the governor vacancy at the time. In my professional life I work as a pilot and an instructor in an airline. Although there is some overlap in terms of teaching and learning, I find the education of young children is much more interesting.
Jo Lee, Staff Governor
Serves on the Curriculum and Standards Committee.
I am Assistant Headteacher, class teacher and the SENDCO at the school where I have worked for nineteen years. I have been a governor since 2013.
I am passionate about teaching and love to see children learn. I dedicate my time to planning fun lessons and providing a safe and happy classroom for my children to flourish.
In my role as Staff Governor, I provide a link between the staff and the governors.
Ben John, Headteacher, Staff Governor
Serves on the Curriculum and Standards, Staffing, and Resources Committees.
I am very proud to be the Headteacher at Crudwell Church of England Primary School. No two days are the same here and I love working with such a talented group of people and of course, our amazing pupils.
Living in Purton, I love exploring the Wiltshire countryside with my family, taking long walks and being outdoors. Big fan of reading, cricket, squash and guitar!
Rob James, Foundation Governor
Serves on the Curriculum and Standards Committee.
Attendance Governor.
My wife and I, together with our children, moved to Crudwell in 2019 and were keen to support the local community. The village revolves around its primary school and when the opportunity arose in 2020 to be a governor it seemed like the perfect fit. Having the opportunity to get stuck in to support the school is great fun and knowing the work helps enrich the life of children and the local community is a gift. Since my arrival I’ve been really impressed with the children, the passion of the teachers and support staff, and the willingness of the parents to support the school.
If you don’t want to talk school business I’m always open to a good conversation about food or rugby, particularly of the Welsh persuasion.
Richenda Milton-Daws, Foundation Governor
Serves on the Staffing Committee.
Children Looked After Governor.
I am a Licensed Lay Minister for the Braydon Brook group of churches which includes the church at Crudwell. I have represented the local church as a governor since 2020.
I moved to North Wiltshire (from Sussex) in 2008, after my children had moved on to sixth-form college and beyond, but remain passionate about the difference a good education can make to a child’s life. It is a huge privilege therefore to have the opportunity to serve as a governor for a school that supports and encourages its pupils so well.
My professional life has been in editing and publishing. The written word is powerful – few things are more exciting than watching a child discover that. I live in Lea and enjoy walking, theatre, conversation and sharing books with our grandchildren.
Rob Walker, Parent Governor
Serves on the Resources Committee and heads up the Staffing Committee.
Staff Wellbeing Governor.
I live with my partner and two young girls in Tetbury. In my professional life, I am a strategic consultant within financial services.
I became a parent governor in 2022 when my eldest daughter started at the school. With my first daughter starting her education, I was very keen to get involved and help support the community that is helping to fulfil my daughter’s potential.
I'm very excited about this opportunity and hope to help support this already great school.
Fun fact: I delivered our second daughter, at home. It wasn't planned; my partner couldn't hold out and the paramedics decided they had time to stop at Costa for a coffee, so didn't arrive until 15 minutes after my daughter was born!
Ben Preece, Parent Governor
Serves on the Staffing Committee.
FOCS Link Governor.
I have lived in the village since 2018, and my twin boys attend the school. I volunteer as a Parent Governor because I want to contribute to the development of the school within its community setting, while ensuring that pupils of all levels achieve the best that they can.
My background is in IT, with experience in start-ups and also large organisations. I left higher education without a degree, but returned later to achieve a Masters. In my spare time I play football and cycle, although not at the same time.
Julian Lomas, Co-opted Governor
Heads up the Curriculum and Standards Committee.
More Able Learners Governor; Pupil Premium Governor.
I moved to the village in 2022 and became a governor in early 2024. I was previously vice-chair of governors at a CofE secondary school in Kettering and have been a trustee of many charities over the years, particularly charities supporting children and young people. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of education to transform lives (at any age). I have three adult children.
Since 2007 I have run my own small consultancy business supporting small charities and non-profits, specialising in governance, strategy, collaborations and fundraising. Before that I was a local government director, senior civil servant and a research chemist. I hope my experience brings useful skills to support the school (perhaps not so much the chemistry!).
Caroline Bell, Co-opted Governor
Serves on the Staffing Committee.
SEND Governor.
James Gabriele, Parent Governor
Serves on the Resources Committee.
Pictures of the Governors are displayed in the school’s entrance foyer. Please feel free to approach any of us if you have ideas, questions or thoughts that are relevant for the future development and success of our school - we are always pleased to hear from you.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact the Clerk, via the school office or email
Current School Governors - from September 2024
| Name | Appointed by | Date Appointed | End of Term | Committees | Subject Area | Additional Specific Responsibilities | Pecuniary Interests |
Local Authority | Ian Churchill | Nominated by the Local Authority, appointed by the Governing Body | 09/05/2021 | 08/05/2025 | Resources | History & Geography; Science | Safeguarding (inc. online safety); | Wife runs an after-school club; Trustee of Lord Lucas Trust |
Foundation | Rob James | Archdeacon of Bristol | 28/02/2024 | 27/02/2028 | Curriculum & Standards | RE | Attendance | Children at the school |
Richenda Milton-Daws | Bristol Diocesan Board of Education | 18/03/2021 | 17/03/2025 | Staffing | English; Reading for Pleasure | Children Looked After | None | |
Staff | Ben John | By virtue of position as Headteacher | 01/09/2019 |
| Curriculum & Standards; |
| Employee of the school |
Jo Lee | Staff | 20/09/2024 | 19/09/2028 | Curriculum & Standards |
| Employee of the school | |
Parent | Ben Preece | Parents | 26/05/2023 | 25/05/2027 | Staffing | Maths | FOCS Link | Children at the school |
James Gabriele | 28/01/2025 | 27/01/2029 | Resources | Computing |
| Child at the school | ||
Rob Walker | 27/09/2022 | 26/09/2026 | Staffing (Chair); Resources | Art & Design; Design & Technology; Music | Staff Wellbeing | Child at the school | ||
Co-opted | Mark Hills | Governing Body | 02/02/2022 | 01/02/2026 | Curriculum & Standards; Staffing; Resources |
| Whistleblowing | N/A |
Julian Lomas | 16/01/2024 | 15/01/2028 | Curriculum & Standards (Chair) | EYFS; Phonics | Pupil Premium; More Able Learners | Owner/Director Almond Tree Strategic Consulting Ltd | ||
Tim Kaner (Vice-Chair of Governors) | 16/11/2024 | 15/11/2028 | Resources (Chair); Curriculum & Standards | Modern Foreign Languages; PSHE (incl. RSHE) |
| A close neighbour. Wife is an occasional supply teacher at the school
| ||
Caroline Bell | 01/08/2024 | 31/07/2028 | Staffing | PE | SEND | LA Rep working in SEND Service |
Governors who left office since 1 September 2023
Governor Category | Name | Appointed by | Date Appointed | Term | Date Left Office | Business and Other Interests |
Co-opted | Julian Stanford | Governing Body | 22/05/2022 | 4 years | 31/07/2024 (resigned) | Child at the school |
Associate Member | Gail Stevens | Governing Body | 27/11/2023 | 4 years | 20/09/2024 (resigned) | Child at the school |
Parent Governor | Calypso Barnard | Parents | 27/11/2023 | 4 years | 06/01/2025 (resigned) | Children at the school |
Attendance Record of Governors
This record shows the attendance of governors at Full Governing Body (FGB) and Committee meetings (6/6 = attended six out of the six meetings held).
Name | Governor Category | FGB 2023-24 | Curriculum and Standards 2023-24 | Staffing 2023-24 | Resources 2023-24 | FGB 2022-23 |
Ian Churchill | Local Authority | 4/6 | N/A | N/A | 1/6 | 2/6 |
Mark Hills | Co-opted | 6/6 | 6/6 | 4/4 | 6/6 | 6/6 |
Rob James | Foundation | 4/6 | 5/6 | N/A | N/A | 5/6 |
Ben John | Headteacher | 6/6 | 6/6 | 4/4 | 6/6 | 6/6 |
Tim Kaner | Co-opted | 4/6 | 6/6 | N/A | 6/6 | 6/6 |
Jo Lee | Staff | 4/6 | 5/6 | N/A | N/A | 5/6 |
Richenda Milton-Daws | Foundation | 5/6 | N/A | 4/4 | N/A | 5/6 |
Ben Preece | Parent | 5/6 | N/A | 3/4 | N/A | 1/1 |
Julian Stanford | Co-opted | 2/6 | N/A | N/A | 3/6 | 5/6 |
Julian Lomas | Co-opted (joined January 2024) | 2/3 | N/A | N/A | 5/5 | N/A |
Rob Walker | Parent | 5/6 | N/A | 4/4 | N/A | 5/6 |
Calypso Barnard | Parent | 3/5 | N/A | N/A | 3/5 | N/A |
Gail Stevens | Associated Member | 3/6 | 6/6 | 4/4 | N/A | 6/6 |
Jo Shaddick-English | Co-opted | 0/1 | N/A | N/A | 1/1 | 1/1 |
Governing Body Diversity
Members of the Governing Body are drawn from the local community and, where elected by the Governing Body, they are selected on the basis of their willingness to make a full contribution and their skills and experience. We also try to ensure that we have a diverse range of perspectives around the table as we believe this supports robust decision making.
We collect data on the diversity of the Governing Body, including age, ethnicity and gender, and use this data to inform our recruitment and training needs. We do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.